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Possession (La possession), 1900. Creator: Paul Albert Besnard.
Danger Passed (Danger passe), 1900. Creator: Paul Albert Besnard.
Musician (Musicienne), 1900. Creator: Paul Albert Besnard.
The Obstacle (L'obstacle), 1900. Creator: Paul Albert Besnard.
Punctual (Ponctuelle), 1900. Creator: Paul Albert Besnard.
The Haul (Le coup de filet), 1900. Creator: Paul Albert Besnard.
Love Consecrated (Elle consacre l'amour), 1900. Creator: Paul Albert Besnard.
Which One? (Lequel?), 1900. Creator: Paul Albert Besnard.
Indifferent (Indifférente), 1900. Creator: Paul Albert Besnard.
The Accident (L'accident), 1900. Creator: Paul Albert Besnard.
After the Visit (Après sa visite), 1900. Creator: Paul Albert Besnard.
The Presentation (La présentation), 1900. Creator: Paul Albert Besnard.
The Duel (Le duel), 1900. Creator: Paul Albert Besnard.
On the Lookout (Aux aguets), 1900. Creator: Paul Albert Besnard.
Coquette, 1900. Creator: Paul Albert Besnard.
The Warning (L'avertissement), 1900. Creator: Paul Albert Besnard.
The Orgy (L'orgie), 1900. Creator: Paul Albert Besnard.
Too Demanding (Exigeante), 1900. Creator: Paul Albert Besnard.
Charitable, 1900. Creator: Paul Albert Besnard.
In the Crowd (Dans la foule), 1900. Creator: Paul Albert Besnard.
Discreet (Discrète), 1900. Creator: Paul Albert Besnard.
Vertigo (Le vertige), 1900. Creator: Paul Albert Besnard.